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Peter Turnley: The Human Face of Covid-19 – New York City
In seiner E-Mail vom 24. April schreibt Peter Turnley:
I’d like to share with you this video:
The Human Face of Covid-19 — New York City
Since the beginning of the coronavirus crisis in NYC, I have gone out most days, with my camera and notebook, always keeping at a careful social distance with all people, wearing a mask and gloves, and return to where I stay, alone. It is essential that at this moment in our collective life, that the stories of so many heroes and victims, of all dimensions, be documented, helping to bring us together now, and for memory, forever.
While these images and stories are from New York-they are in solidarity with every country and every person in the world— all who have been in the middle of this war-truly a World War with an invisible enemy. Our human family worldwide finds itself in the middle of this crisis. This visual diary is also, our story.
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