Immer mehr fotografische Bücher, Magazine, Ausstellungen und spezielle Projekte werden mit Hilfe von Crowdfunding realisiert. Dieser Blog stellt Projekte vor und ermöglicht einen lebendigen Austausch. Wir wünschen uns rege Beteiligung! Informieren Sie uns gerne über Ihr Crowdfunding-Projekt.
Input Crowdfunding
Crowdfunding beendet. 907 € erzielt.
Aus der Ankündigung: "Imagine a super unique card quiz game based around iconic photographs. A game that challenges players to remember and identify the photographers based on vivid descriptions, providing a unique and engaging experience for photography enthusiasts. These quiz cards are unique in the world of photography. Never before has your imagination and knowledge of photographic history been tested like this." Und: "The cards make a unique game for anyone who has a passion for photography and would like to expand their knowledge of iconic photos and photographers. It is also perfect for people looking for unique and creative gifts for photography lovers, as well as teachers, pupils or students of photography who can use the game as an educational tool to learn more about the history of photography."
Mindestens 4.600 € sollten mit der Crowdfunding-Kampagne erzielt werden. Als Dankeschöns gab es PHOTO MASTER MINDS (Edition 01 und/oder 02, je 50 Karten).
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